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WSC UI style malformed

We make no guarantees for the information on this page. You use any commands at your own risk. Please consult a Linux server administrator if in doubt and always take a backup or snapshot before making any changes.

Sometimes when uploading WSC the correct permissions might not be set. When visiting the Addon Modules > WSC the page may be missing its style sheet. This is an indicator that the permissions on the /modules/addons/tickets_credentials folder are incorrect. You can confirm this is the case by pressing CNTRL + SHIF + J to open the console in your browser. If the permissions are wrong you will see 404 or 403 errors in the console. 

WSC File & Folder Permissions

Generally speaking, there are two permissions WSC should use. That is 0644 for files and 755 for folders. This is true for cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk. The ownership of the folders should usually also be the account user. If you are using a barebones server with no control panel the same permissions apply but the user of those files should usually be www:data. We have provided a table below of known folder permissions. Correct the permissions on the files and folders to resolve any stylesheet errors. 

Apache LiteSpeed NGINX CloudLinux

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account


Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account


Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: User_account


Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: www:data

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: www:data

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: www:data

Files: 0644 Folder: 0755

Owner: www:data

If using a control panel you can usually change permissions using the in-built file manager. For barebones servers, you would use the CHMOD and CHOWN commands or the find command. Examples are below.

# To change all the directories to 0755 (drwxr-xr-x):

find /modules/addons/tickets_credentials -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# To change all the files to 0644 (-rw-r--r--):

find /modules/addons/tickets_credentials -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

# Change ownership of the WSC files and folders to www-data:www-data

chown -R www-data:www-data /modules/addons/tickets_credentials